Back in 2016, I had no intention to vote for Donald Trump for President. I saw him as unprincipled and unpredictable. I strongly supported Senator Ted Cruz until the end of the Republican primaries. Then, Trump faced Hillary Rodham Clinton in the General election, and there was no way she would get my vote. Before and after taking office, Trump has faced an incredible assault from the deep swamp of Washington. In the midst of great opposition, and even an un-Constitutional impeachment, the results of his administration have been outstanding. While Trump is rather apolitical, in practice he has been as conservative as Ronald Reagan and Herbert Hoover. The following are a few things that come to my mind that have led me to support our President.
National Security:
Trump has strengthened our military after the decimation brought about by the Obama administration. With a stronger military, we have experienced an increase in peace. The President does not believe in deploying large numbers of men and women throughout the world unnecessarily. He has decreased our presence in places like Germany that can afford to take care of their own, as well as quagmires like Afghanistan and Iraq. The United States has not been at war during the Trump administration. The atrocities committed by ISIS, the Islamic Brotherhood, and others was quickly dealt with as the President let his elite military personnel take care of business. Thousands of Muslims and Christians lost their lives during the previous administration’s weakness towards radical extremists. Trump ended the insane Iranian nuclear deal that awarded this country that pledges “Death to America” with billions of cold, hard cash.
National security also includes border security. We need immigrants to continually come and pursue their dreams and talents, but we are a nation made of citizens. True immigration encourages assimilation into a common bond as Americans. Our nation has too many coming into our nation unaccounted for, some drawn by employers that seek lower labor costs, others drawn by “opportunities” in crime. Lost in the argument over illegals is the human cost on women, children, the elderly, and weak. With “sanctuary” cities and states avoiding any law enforcement on illegal immigrant communities, domestic crimes are rampant, and the less fortunate can “disappear” without any accountability.
The purpose of immigration is to strengthen our nation and add to its vibrancy. President Trump is a strong proponent for legal immigration, and he has advanced measures to deter those that come illegally, have ulterior motives, or have health issues that would be detrimental to the public, such as diseases we’ve eradicated in the US with vaccines.
Freedom of Choice in Education
President Trump has strongly supported measures that encourage choice in schools—whether it is public, private, charter, homeschooling and other choices. One of the most hated members of his staff is Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. She is a strong advocate for parents and students to have choice. The education establishment sees this as a threat to their monopoly, and seek to destroy her and her ideas.
Less Federal Intrusion on Individuals and Businesses
Under Trump, taxes have been less. In some cases, dramatically. A vast number of people do not even pay income taxes. The standard deductions for 2020 are $24,800 for married joint filers, $18,650 for a head of household, and $12,400 for single or married filing separately. This high deductible lessens the amount of income that is taxable and for most filers it also eliminates the need to file itemized tax deductions.
Business and industry has boomed during the Trump Administration in large part to tax cuts, and especially due to the elimination of onerous government regulation. The previous administration added stacks and stacks of regulations to the already enormous government registry of regulations. Trump has made a concerted effort to roll back red tape. Some of these efforts have been realized during the COVID-19 pandemic. Early this year there were shortages of ventilators, protective masks, hospital bed space, etc. For each perceived problem, the administration sought ways to encourage and streamline American industry to meet the needs. The results show how American enterprise will satisfy demand when given the freedom to do so. Ongoing is the President’s initiative Operation Warp Speed which is on target to produce a vaccine to COVID-19 sometime in October or November. This effort has allowed the pharmaceutical developers the freedom to pursue vaccines for this virus without the heavy handed tactics usually employed by the FDA. If a vaccine is introduced as quick as officials have anticipated, it will be nothing short of a miracle.
Business has greatly benefitted from changes in taxation of profits made oversees. Companies were having to pay multiple taxes when they did business oversees. Often, profits would remain oversees to escape the extra taxation in America. With new tax laws, an influx of investment has come into the United States, spurring new growth and prosperity.
Trade Law
Under the Trump Administration, trade has been encouraged while unfair trade practices have been addressed. While I am not a fan of tariffs per se, there are some that serve as admonishments to those countries and foreign entities that seek an unfair advantage. Trump’s policies towards China are long overdue. China is engaging in a technological war with our nation—stealing technology and knowledge to advance militarily and economically. The President has called them out on their misdeeds and as a side-note, held them accountable for the Chinese Wuhan virus, COVID-19.
Life of the Unborn
Surprising to many, Donald Trump has stood up for the life of the unborn like no other President. Our nations Declaration of Independence declares that we have been given by our Creator certain unalienable rights, and among these is the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. How different this nation would be if the those killed in the womb were allowed their right to life. Instead, unaccountable men and women in black robes condemned them to die. Every year in Washington, D.C., one of the largest gatherings is the annual March for Life. The media gives it minimal attention even though the number of participants eclipses that of most liberal events. President Trump was the first to speak at the event since its beginning over 47 years ago.
Individual Liberty, Free Enterprise, and American Exceptionalism
There are many more issues that lead me to support the President, but number one is his desire to keep our people free. Free to lead lives as they see fit—pursuing their ambitions, talents, and needs as only they know how. We are not to be a socialist country, where free thought is hindered in favor of group think. As free individuals, our uniqueness comes together to make an even better whole. When we are all just lumped into groups, and are limited in our individual pursuits, we only achieve mediocrity. Our nation was founded as an escape from the tyranny of totalitarian government. So many of the ideas that the left has adopted from Europe are the very things that drove many of our ancestors to come and settle here. So many today sit in disgust at the idea of the Founders of this nation and the Framers of the Constitution, and yet, it was the ideas they penned and codified into our founding documents that have allowed so many to be free and to be set free. Free people together made this country exceptional. It is the people, not the government. We need a President that loves a free people and a free nation. That man is Donald Trump. He has my vote. I hope he has yours.
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