Points to consider:
1. IT IS AN ISSUE OF FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOM! Rick Santorum is right. Maybe you are not concerned about the implementation of Obamacare. If we do not stop it now, it will be too late when you are in a health situation that makes it a concern.
2. Rick Santorum is serious about stopping the Democrats government takeover of health care aka Obamacare. He has passion on the issue and a history of seeking free market solutions for health care--leaving the health care choices up to the individual, not government.
3. Romney and Gingrich would rather not talk about the issue. Both are flawed when it comes to who controls your health care--you or the government. If they were true Reaganites, they'd be stressing the free market vision that Reagan expressed before our Federal government began embarking on taking over health care in the '60's.
4. Romney is petty and condescending when Santorum shows his passion for stopping the government takeover of health care. Romney tells him he doesn't have to get mad about it. What? Romney makes one of Santorum's points: if Romney or Gingrich are the nominees, the issue of who should control your health care will be punted away. Neither of them have a leg to stand on, and in the case of Romney, he is still in love with his top down government approach in Massachusetts--Romneycare. At least Gingrich has admitted that a government mandate on an individual to purchase insurance is not the right approach.
6. Rick Santorum is the one candidate in the Republican race that can truly stand toe to toe with Obama and point out the President's flawed vision of a socialist United States. He is right. This issue is to important to let fall to the wayside. The Republican Party needs a nominee that has the conservative credentials to make a stand for fundamental freedom.