Monday, July 11, 2011

SNL on the Bailout of 2008

I thought I'd repost the link to the SNL video below in light of recent revisionist history by Eleanor Clift

Hard to believe this was on Saturday Night Live, but they gave a rather accurate depiction of the debacle. Maybe someone should pass this on to Eleanor.

Saturday Night Live did a better job reporting on the bailout of 2008 than the news media. Most people are clueless to the shenanigans behind the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac scandals. For me, I say abolish all Federal Government-Sponsored Enterprises (GSE's). they are unconstitutional and always bound to fail. They are doing things that are done better in the free market, and they are avenues for government corruption as seen with the bailout of 2008. Politicians are good at putting the blame on private enterprise, such as the BIG BANKS, while they themselves created the problems.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Independence Celebration in Kannapolis, July 2, 2011

The following is some of my video and pictures from the independence celebration at Village Park in Kannapolis on July 2, 2011.